corporate goth styles

What Do Corporate Goths Wear?

There comes a time in every goth’s life when they grow up and have to go out and do the “adult thing” - you know, like getting a job to pay for the bills. Does that mean you have to swap your skulls and bats for boring workwear? 

Not at all!

For those entering the workplace where “business attire” is required, let me introduce you to corporate goth - or, as many goths like to call it, “corp goth.”

What is Corporate Goth?

Corporate goth is precisely how it sounds - business attire with a dark, gothic twist.

It’s meant for older goths who have to join the workforce but don’t want to give up their alt aesthetic.

After all, for hardcore goths, it’s not a “phase” - it’s a lifestyle. And just because you have a job doesn’t mean you have to fall in line and give up your unique appearance and love of the morbid.

What Do Corp Goths Wear?

It can be hard to picture what a corporate goth might wear. After all, the term “goth” conjures images of spooky individuals dressed in skimpy and/or creepy clothing items - not exactly the clothing labeled as “office wear.”

But the right get-up can be the perfect blend of macabre and professional. You just have to utilize some of these items:

1. Black Blazer

A black blazer is a trademark item in every businesswoman's closet, whether or not they’re goth. 

corporate goth girl

That said, you can’t go wrong with adding this garment to your wardrobe.

It can easily be dressed up or down, depending on your style. 

2. Black Skirts

When it comes to office-friendly clothing items, pencil skirts come to mind - and they’re a great choice to put together a corp goth style.

Of course, for businesses where business casual is the goal, you can be more eccentric with your style. For more lax environments, don’t hesitate to throw on a plaid skirt. It offers a bit more edginess than a plain black skirt.

3. Dresses and Tights

You can definitely wear a dress and tights to most workplaces. And that should make any goth girl happy!

You can stick to wearing more basic, corporate-friendly black dresses if you prefer. Or, you can add some uniqueness and personality to your wardrobe with a black striped dress.


4. Pants

If you don’t care for dresses or skirts or just want to shake things up, you can reach for a pair of black pants. Pants with a pinch of lacy detailing are a great choice too. This is an excellent way to show off your goth vibes without being too noticeable.

5. Classy Shirts

Many “gothic” elements are suitable for the office. For example, Victorian-era clothing items are professional and elegant, perfect for corporate offices.

For instance, the shirt below showcases Victorian detailing around the neck and arms, with a series of stark black buttons to complete the look. The shirt can easily be paired with other corp goth favorites, like a skirt or pants.

6. Stripes

Many goths, including corp goths, prefer to keep their clothing black from head to toe.

And that’s perfectly fine!

But for those days when you want to break up the monotony, stripes are an excellent way to go.

For example, the striped sweater below would be perfect for a chilly fall morning with some dark jeans.

7. Accessories!

As a corp goth, it can be challenging to show off your personality. After all, most businesses don’t want you walking in with an assortment of chains and gothic motifs riddled all over your clothing.

What’s a goth to do?

The answer - accessories.

Whether it’s a handbag, cross choker, or bat earrings, accessories allow you to add more gothic personality to your style without going overboard.

8. Footwear

Finally, we have to discuss footwear.

Corp goths almost always reach for black boots for the simple fact that they’re somewhat professional yet still on the gothic spectrum. A set of stylish chunky heels can also do the trick!

How Do Corp Goths Do Their Hair and Makeup?

To put it simply, corp goths display a more tamed-down aesthetic that’s appropriate for the workplace. This is true for their clothing options as well as their hair and makeup.

Let’s take a closer look.


Hair is typically kept minimal. I.e., no excessive teasing or accessories are added to the tresses.

However, most corp goths will maintain a dark hair color, predominantly black. If the workplace allows it, they may also incorporate other goth shades like deep purple or bright red.


Makeup is toned down for the workplace, but that doesn’t mean zero makeup is worn.

Corp goths will still maintain a level of darkness with their makeup.

They may wear dark lipstick like wine, plum, or espresso.

Eyeliner is a definite must, although it tends to be a single line of black eyeliner on the top lid.

Is Corp Goth Right For You?

You might wonder if the “corp goth” look is right for you.

However, it’s important to note that corp goth is more of a fashion statement than a lifestyle, which is the case with other goth subcultures.

Most corporate goths only wear these fashion items to incorporate some gothic elements into the workplace while still looking professional. Most of the time, they’ll wear other gothic clothing, accessories, hairstyles, and makeup outside of work.

Here are two reasons why you might consider the corp goth look:

You Have a Job, But Want to Remain “Spooky”

If you’re part of a gothic subculture outside of work, you might consider corp goth to hold on to your darkness while remaining under the umbrella of “appropriate workwear.”

You Like the Darker Style

Are you sick and tired of the same old work clothes? Do you think the corp goth look is cool? Then, you can dip your toes into the world of corp goth to enjoy a spookier style, unlike the “typical” workplace outfits.

Corp Goths - The Gateway to Morbid Professionalism

It’s simple - if you’re part of a workplace with clothing requirements, but you don’t want to completely give up your love of the darkness, corp goth is the answer. It expertly combines professionalism with gothic motifs for a style that’s plenty sophisticated yet undeniably morbid.
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